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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beauty: Lost & Found...Taking the LOST out of FOUNDation

In my early twenties, my philosophy for finding foundation was similar to my philosophy for finding a man. (Although, I should use the term "man" loosely, since what I really ending up finding during that time period were pigs……but that's probably  a topic for another blog segment.) I've always been a sucker for marketing; a beautiful display case and a free gift gets me every time.  What can I say - I spent most of my early twenties broke, broken hearted and single.

Fast forward a few years, throw in a husband and a messy first grader, and I'm happy to say that I've figured out SOME things.  Things like:  a beauty product isn't going to move me up a full point on the hot or not scale, my husband will still love me with or without foundation, and what makes a product great is the product itself, not the beautiful model selling it.  And yes, sadly I now know that even if I buy a full case of the product…I'm never EVER going to look the model. And I'm finally ok with that. 

So, if you've ever felt Lost in the foundation aisle, let me save you some time and heartache. The next time you're on the hunt for foundation, I've found an awesome matte foundation from the drugstore, checked out one that one of the #RHOOC uses, and gave into watching an infomercial and bought their airbrush foundation. 

#1 Drugstore
NAME: Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse 
COST: Drugstore $7.99-9.99
Pros: Great full coverage foundation and the fact that it's from a drugstore makes it even better! Not only will it hide a multitude of sin, but it won't break the bank. Low on face powder? Dream Matte Mousse has you covered. Work in TV? If your station isn't in HD, you'll love the smooth finish you'll have on camera. 
Cons: It's messy! I love the product BUT I hate the mess. 
( Yes, a part of me wanted have full force makeup on for the pictures...but I wanted it to be about the foundation only. Bring on the duck face selfies)

#2 Department Store
NAME MAC Studio Fix Fluid
PROS: Tamra Barney from the #RHOOC tweeted out that she uses MAC Studio Fix Fluid foundation with MAC Mineralize powder, so of course I had to try it! I What I love about this foundation is the full coverage look without a full coverage fill. You'll love the healthy glow it gives you!   

CONS: if I could, I would use this foundation everyday but at 26 a pop, a full bottle wouldn't last me 5 weeks. 

Before & After

#3 Airbrush
COST: $150.00 plus product $12-26
PROS:This product is expensive but it really works! From the self tanner to foundation, I haven't been disappointed in the product. It actually gives you a flawless look that pops of camera.  Dark circles, breakouts and even tattoos don't stand a chance with this product! Need a suntan? They have you covered too! 

CONS: Cost. Once you invest $150 in the machine, you pay anywhere from 12-26 for a bottle. I  can go through a bottle in less than a month, so I had to put myself on a Dynair budget. I've tried the off brands airbrush foundation but it just didn't cut it!  When I would use this product on TV, our viewers noticed! Sensitive skin? Make sure to wash your face right after, otherwise you'll break out!   

Before & After

Foundation is a lot like men, they come in many packages, some look great but bring out the worst in you, while others you thought you would hate,actually made you feel like a Queen!

Cheers to the journey,
Brittany Begley 

Questions? Tweet me @BrittanyBegley

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